Wangdrak Rinpoche, nuns & the Gebchak temple in snow.
The Tibetan year draws to a close and February 11 marks the start to the Year of the Female Water Snake. Deep in their winter retreat intensives (similar to the one seen in this video), the Gebchak nuns pray for the removal of obstacles from the past year, paving the way for the new one. And, as always, the nuns sincerely pray from the depths of their heart that all beings throughout the globe meet with happiness, peace and all auspicious circumstances.
Temple progress: 2012 brought with it the positive energy of moving forward. The new Gebchak temple slowly stretches its way to a second story. The short summer season is the only window of opportunity for construction and nuns not in fulltime retreat helped with as much hands-on building work as they possibly could – inspiring the paid laborers with their example. But for now, the winter snows blanket the landscape, the temple is in hibernation, and construction will resume after the spring thaw.
Our orphans: Finally out of emergency tents which had served as their temporary home since 2010, the Yushu orphans have moved into a rented building for the winter. Thanks to everyone’s kindness, we hope to provide these children with a permanent orphanage in the future.
If you are a new reader to our blog, please read here to learn about how the orphans came into the care of Gebchak Wangdrak Rinpoche and about his commitment to provide these children the security of an education, a home – and their Tibetan culture. Their future depends on us all – and it will be many years until they reach adulthood. Please view this photo gallery of Winter 2012 to see the orphans in their new home plus the Gebchak nuns in their remote snowy environment.
Australia visit: Wangdrak Rinpoche thoroughly enjoyed his first visit to Australia last September. People turning out to hear his talks included advanced practitioners, inter-sangha members and beautiful gatherings of the curious and interested. An online album of the visit can be viewed here. Many people were struck by Rinpoche’s profound teachings and were enthralled by the illustrative descriptions of the Gebchak nuns in Tibet. Although nothing is set in stone, Rinpoche hopes to return to Australia for a two-week visit at the end of June 2013.
It is the connection of your sincerity that allows the Gebchak tradition to keep on going. To you – our long-term and new supporters throughout the world – the nuns of Gebchak Gonpa send their gratitude and heartfelt prayers. May the new year be auspicious for you and your loved ones!
On behalf of Wangdrak Rinpoche and the nuns of Gebchak Gonpa, Tibet.