Orphans reading in their tent.
Dear friends,
The orphans of the Yushu earthquake that you have been supporting are still living in tents with extended family members or friends looking after them in groups of three or four. They are rosy-cheeked, runny-nosed and playful, what with the warm summer weather – a big improvement from their colorless faces right after the earthquake. I just spent the last week in Yushu and saw for myself the tent-city that it is now – tent homes, tent restaurants, tent of-fices, tent automotive shops… It will be a tent-city through the next winter at least, until new houses are built for each family by the government. Construction can only happen during the summer months, however, so it will take several years before a new town takes shape.
The 27 orphans have now grown to a lot of 33, with the oldest aged 13 and the youngest aged 2. There is no public assistance provided for their education and up-bringing. So far your money has contributed to the children’s food, clothing and school fees. With a bitter winter approaching, Rinpoche and his noble right-hand-man in caring for the orphans, named Chöten, are stocking up on thick winter clothes for the orphans. They are also building a small house to serve as a nursery for the younger children to live warmly in through the winter and begin learning to read. The older children in classes one to six will continue to attend school in Yushu through the winter, and return to their tent-homes in the evenings.

Wangdrak Rinpoche with orphan.
Tuition and living costs for the orphans in the Yushu school (up to class six) are approximately US$1200 a year per child. Next year the two oldest children will have to move to distant boarding schools to attend class seven onwards. This looks like the only option for them until a new high school is built in Yushu, which will take at least three years. If you are interested in supporting an individual orphan through their schooling please let us know.
Our goal is to be able to provide all of these children with enough education to become self-sufficient in the future. The older girls will have the option of joining Gebchak Nunnery after a few years of school if they have the wish.
We hope that you will continue to follow the story of these dear orphans, share it with others, and help to foster them as much as you are able. We now have a new online payment system where donations can be made for the orphans – please visit the Gebchak Gonpa-Earthquake Fund section here. Donations made within the USA are now tax-deductible. We assure you that your en-tire donation will be spent in caring for these orphans, and we will keep you updated with their photos and news. Your support makes a tremendous difference for these children, who would otherwise have almost nothing.

Supplies for the orphans arrive - thanks to you!
Wangdrak Rinpoche sends profound thanks to all of you for your concern and help. Please keep in touch if you have any questions.
Yours Sincerely,
Ani Chozom; and on behalf of Wangdrak Rinpoche (September, 2010)