Orphans in earthquake zone
Dear friends,
Click below for an update on the Yushu orphans that Wangdrak Rinpoche is taking care of (that you are all taking care of). There are many more children orphaned by the earthquake, but these photos show some of the 27 children that Rinpoche is directly able to reach.
It is because of your kind generosity that Rinpoche is able to give them their basic needs for now, and some education in the long run. You can see in the photos that their situation is very sad now. It will make a huge difference for these children to know that they are being watched over and cared for.
Rinpoche feels it is most important that these children get a solid education, for their futures. Later some may become monks and nuns, according to their wish. It will take time to find appropriate schools and homes for each of them – Yushu is of course still a disaster zone. But we will certainly keep you updated as plans unfold.
Please continue to keep these children and the other Yushu earthquake victims in your prayers.
With sincere thanks,
Ani Chozom, on behalf of Wangdrak Rinpoche
Click below for a PDF of images.